Author: Ethan Wilke

FTVersionTrak for APT v1.7.0 Release Notes


  • Added support for FTSolution for APT integration and files.


  • User entry of file path is now allowed during file comparison when local path is selected.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.77 Release Notes


  • Corrected a problem that occurred when turning on Floating Doc Window with a NEQN instruction with more than 79 text elements.
  • Corrected a problem that occurred when clearing segments in the Logic editor.
  • Corrected a problem with Output to Text File when Ladder Symbols in Logic dialog box is checked and the Logic dialog box is not selected.

505 Simulator v2.20 Release Notes


  • Added simulation capabilities for PLC WorkShop for Siemens 505 programs that use control relays greater than 32,768.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.76 Release Notes


  • User Interface for the demo is improved; it is now easier to start.
  • Improved the installation procedure for 64-bit operating systems.


  • Improved the association of .FMD files with the application; in Windows 7 and 8, double-clicking a .FMD file now consistently opens the file in Modicon WorkShop.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.75 Release Notes


  • An icon for Traffic Cop is now available for the main toolbar. Note:  If the main toolbar has already been customized, it is necessary to manually add the Traffic Cop icon to the main toolbar. If no customization of the main toolbar has been performed, the Traffic Cop icon should appear in the main toolbar automatically upon install.
  • A keyword search is now available in the All Headers program window.
  • Addresses that are used in a program are now identified in the Documentation Window with an asterisk. Previously, there was no way to distinguish used addresses from unused addresses in the Documentation Window.
  • The FTVersionTrak application Product Name is now correctly identified in the Security Key Update dialog box:  FTVersionTrak PE is displayed when FTVersionTrak PE is licensed; FTVersionTrak is displayed when FTVersionTrak is licensed.
  • Modules from OHP Automation Systems are now directly supported in Traffic Cop


  • Corrected the display of Segment Number in the Program Window title bar when the Network Number Mode is set to Continuous.
  • Improved the operation/control of specific cursor movements in programs containing Network Equation instructions to prevent an error message.
  • Updated the maximum value of the Watchdog timer for Quantum 434/534 PLCs.

505 Simulator v2.14 Release Notes


  • New instructions for PLC WorkShop for Siemens 505 and CTI 2500 Series processors (MegaEDRUM, Floating Point Comparison, On Delay Coil, and Off Delay Coil) are now supported.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.74 Release Notes


  • The Find feature has been enhanced.
    • The Segment and Network numbers, in which the item was found, are displayed at the top of the ladder logic window.
    • The ladder cursor is placed on the found item.
    • Hot keys and toolbar icons are provided to find the next and previous items.
  • When the Network Cross Reference window is launched, the Cross Reference cursor is placed on the instance of the address on which the Ladder cursor was located.
  • A “Go To Cross Reference” button has been added to the Find results dialog within the Documentation window.


  • Traffic Cop has been updated for use with high-speed counters.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.73 Release Notes


  • The updated Sentinel Key Driver is installed with WorkShop for improved Windows support.


  • Headers remain visible after editing and scrolling ladder logic.
  • Online help is improved for 16-bit and Extended math instructions.
  • Program accessibility is improved when launching WorkShop from Windows Explorer.
  • Parameter entry for Network Equation NEQN instructions is improved.
  • Legacy hot-key support is restored.
  • The I/O Scan Table is correctly updated.
  • FTVersionTrak support is enhanced.
  • User-selectable parameters in Program Merge are enhanced.

505 Simulator v2.13 Release Notes


  • The Lead-Lag instructions are executed correctly when called from Analog Alarms.
  • The Read Slave Diagnostic (RSD) instruction transfers the complete slave’s diagnostic buffer to user memory.
  • The Fall Through Shift Register (FTSR) instruction supports bit-of-word addresses as Status Bits.
  • The Move Image Register From Table (MIRFT) instruction is supported within Master Control Relay (MCR) and Jump (JMP) ladder logic zones.

Modicon Simulator v1.04 Release Notes


  • Subtract instruction displays the same values as the PLC.
  • Multiply instruction displays the same values as the PLC.
  • Add instruction displays the same values as the PLC.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.72 Release Notes


  • The toolbar has been updated to support enhanced functionality in the next release of FTVersionTrak.
  • File Comparison may be performed without requiring a program file to be open.
  • Readability of error messages has been improved.
  • Readability of EMTH instruction has been improved.
  • Mouse auto scroll has been enabled within the Data Window.


  • Registers not supported by the PLC have been removed from printout not supported by PLC.
  • Accelerator keys in Logic Editor dialog have been improved.
  • Help\Visit FasTrak on the Web menu item links to the FasTrak website.
  • Floating menu describes F3 inserts as Networks/Rows/Columns in ‘FasTrak Hotkeys’.

505 Simulator v2.12 Release Notes


  • The correct output states of Compare instructions are retained when the instruction is within jumped networks
  • Image register values of Move Word to Image Registers instructions are unchanged when the instruction is within jumped networks
  • Drum instructions allow time base 0.0 in the SEC/CNT parameter
  • Bit-of-Words for addresses greater than 1024 (for example, V1025, K1025, WX1025) are supported in Special Function Programs and Subroutines
  • Special Function Math instructions support calculations that use long integers
  • Lead-Lag instructions are correctly executed from Special Function Subroutines that are called from Loops, Alarms, or cyclic Special Function Programs
  • The IN parameter of the Search Table for Not Equal instruction accepts all valid address types

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.71 Release Notes


  • Issues with importing Modsoft program files have been corrected.
  • Adding the 170 AAI 030 00 module in Traffic Cop as an I/O Bus now reserves the proper number of registry addresses.
  • Integration with FTVersionTrak has been improved.

505 Simulator v2.11 Release Notes


  • Bit-of-word addresses that exist in SFSUB instructions in the Simulator now properly appear in search results in WorkShop.


Modicon Simulator v1.03 Release Notes


  • Selecting the Simulator toolbar icon in WorkShop when Simulator is running will return focus to the Simulator application.


  • Micro 612 program files now load into the Simulator without error

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.70 Release Notes


  • Users can now import ModSoft version 2.62 project files into WorkShop while offline.
  • A more informative warning message appears when making changes to PLC Configuration.
  • Selecting the Simulator toolbar icon in WorkShop when Simulator is running will return focus to the Simulator application.
  • Data displayed in the Data Window can now be printed directly from the Data Window.
  • The Data Window now displays 16-bit binary values in two groups of 8 bits instead of one 16-bit string.
  • Communications settings can now be stored with the program file.
  • WorkShop now accepts communications settings from FTVersionTrak when an FTVersionTrak user requests to edit or view a WorkShop file with specified communications settings.


  • Selecting a Flush Buffer in the ASCII Message Editor now enables the proper text box.
  • Enabling a non-forced contact no longer causes other forced contact to become unforced.
  • Zooming into analog input module 140 ACI 051 00 now displays the correct data format.
  • Modbus Comm Network Access now correctly retains modified settings for serial ports.
  • WorkShop no longer reports an inaccurate memory allocation error when performing a logic search while online.
  • WorkShop no longer closes unexpectedly when Cross Referencing by a 6x register start address when the program does not contain any 6x registers.
  • Text containing spaces that has been copied from the Windows clipboard can no longer be pasted as a documentation tag.
  • PCFL Analog Input Register Flag values are now entered as one word instead of two words.
  • Importing documentation from a *.csv file when the Address Display Size is set to 5 digits now properly updates all imported documentation.
  • Attempting to add an I/O module in Traffic Cop that exceeds the maximum number of I/O points available for the PLC now displays the proper error message.
  • Leaving the ladder cursor on an instruction address for an extended period of time no longer causes the address to change unexpectedly.
  • WorkShop now saves and restores the maximized or minimized state of the logic window.
  • I/O modules 170 ADO 830-30, 170 AMM 110-30, and 170 ADM 850-10 are now supported in Traffic Cop.
  • FasTrak Security no longer allows a program file to be saved when exiting the program if security is configured to disallow saving changes to the program.
  • Performing a search while online no longer returns a “logic store record not found” error when encountering a blank segment.
  • All documentation now prints properly when sorting by tag or description.

505 Simulator v2.10 Release Notes


  • Simulator now supports the following Special Function instructions when simulating the CTI 2500 Series controller:
    • FOR / NEXT
  • Simulator now supports up to 10 parameters for the SFSUB ladder instruction when simulating the CTI 2500 Series controller.
  • Bit-of-word access is now available for Special Function instructions that support expressions, element indexing, or discrete parameters when simulating CTI 2500 Series controllers.
  • Special Function temporary memory size has been increased to 64 when simulating CTI 2500 Series controllers.


  • Using the PACK instruction to pack less than 16 bits into a word now properly sets the unused bits to zero when simulating CTI 2500 Series controllers.
  • Lead-Lag instruction results are now consistent across controller types.
  • Users may now add a password to the PLC under FasTrak Security when using the Simulator.

505 Simulator v2.05 Release Notes


  • The CDB instruction now correctly checks the value of the address.
  • The PID Loop Ramp/Soak Profile now properly restarts operation when the Loop Ramp/Soak number is manually reset to 0.
  • The CTR instruction’s output no longer turns off when the count no longer matches the preset.
  • MOD instructions are now properly evaluated within IF statements in a Special Function program.
  • NOT instructions now operate correctly in parallel branches when passing power flow.
  • B-memory parameters are now properly allowed in CMP instructions.
  • Nested MCR instructions now operate correctly.
  • Attempting to set an LTI variable to zero in the Data Window now properly displays an error.
  • B-memory is now properly supported in the MIRW instruction.
  • Special Function clamping for PID Loops and Analog Alarms is now consistent between 505 and CTI 2500 PLC types.
  • Attempting to execute a network containing more than 16 parallel branches no longer results in an error.
  • Analog Alarms are now set and reset correctly when the alarm deadband overlaps low/high alarm points.
  • One-shot contacts no longer automatically execute after an online edit is made.
  • Multiple instructions that use B and W addresses now execute properly.
  • Special Function programs are no longer triggered when the input conditions are false.
  • Cyclic Special Function programs now properly stop executing after changing to inline while online with the controller.
  • Cyclic Special Function programs now properly stop executing when ‘Continue on Error’=NO.
  • Address breakpoints are now properly being triggered by coil instructions.
  • The PACK statement now executes properly when moving Loop and Alarm CF variables to and from Bit memory.

505 Simulator v2.04 Release Notes


  • Attempting to write a Loop or Alarm containing a word address that is within five locations of the maximum configured value of the address type no longer results in an error.
  • The PRINT statement will no longer prevent users from enabling their Special Function Programs and Subroutines.
  • Analog Alarms now write the correct number of bits to the V-flag address when the location is discrete.
  • MATH expressions no longer set an error when an address is assigned at its maximum bounds.
  • The PACKRS instruction now correctly allows constants for Loop Number, Number of Steps, and Starting Step parameters.
  • Instructions that require preset values to be set are now correctly set on a transition to Run Mode.
  • The Find Opcode function now properly finds instruction numbers greater than 255.
  • The IMC instruction now indexes its pointer value correctly during execution.
  • Implied addresses are now located correctly during a Find Parameter operation.
  • The DCMP, DSET, MDRUMD, MDRUMW, MWFT, MWTT, and SHRB instructions are now checked correctly for syntax errors.
  • 32-bit integers are now processed correctly in Special Function instructions.
  • Parameterized Bit memory may now be used as the register address in MWIR and MIRW instructions.
  • The LEAD/LAG instruction now produces the correct output.
  • RLL instructions with parameterized bit and word address maximum boundaries of 20 are now able to use the maximum value within their programs.
  • The total number of Loops, Alarms, and Special Function Programs and Subroutines is now determined at startup based on the PLC model and is used correctly to perform syntax checks.
  • DCAT, MCAT, Bit of Word Coil, Set Coil, and Reset Coil instructions now properly disable or clear their outputs when the MCR or JMP flags are turned off or on.
  • The Special Function Modulo operator now reports the correct result when using real numbers where the denominator is less than 1.
  • Timer-based instructions will now work properly when used in RLL subroutines.
  • Analog Alarms and PID Loops are now properly clearing their low and low-low alarm flags when the process variable jumps immediately from the low end to the high or high-high alarm range.
  • The integer format may now be used when using constants within conditional breakpoints.
  • The SFSUB instruction now correctly ceases execution when a parameter sets the SFEC variables and the Continue on Error flag is set to No.
  • The setpoint for Loops and Alarms is now being clamped properly when the remote setpoint is not in use.
  • The deadband for Loops and Alarms now functions correctly when the process variable becomes negative.
  • SCALE statements now properly round integer results.
  • MOVE Word operations now correctly copy the last word of a parameterized word memory address (PSWA).
  • PID Loops now correctly prioritize to execute in the right order.
  • All Special Function programs and subroutines will now queue to execute if they have power flow enabled for at least one scan.
  • Searching for inline Special Function Subroutines while online now works properly.
  • The IMATH statement now produces the correct result when calculating a shift left or shift right operation into a long integer.
  • The PACK TO statement now accepts a constant value as the Data Start Address.
  • Entering an Alarm V-flag above Y9=8182 no longer results in an error.


Modicon Simulator v1.02 Release Notes


  • The simulator now supports the PI function of the PCFL instruction.
  • The simulator now supports the PID function of the PCFL instruction.
  • The simulator now supports the KPID function of the PCFL instruction.


  • The Search by Reference Number function now properly finds implied references in instructions and network equations.
  • The simulator now properly saves and loads 6x registers to and from a state file.
  • A Machine Stop Code bit is set if a network has too many columns or an instruction has too many parameters.
  • PID2 continues to solve if the Process Variable leaves the alarm limit range.
  • The integral value is now solved correctly when PID2 is in manual mode.
  • PCFL instructions can no longer be simulated in PLC types that do not support the instruction.
  • Selecting a Momentum PLC type now properly writes default base data for drop 1 in the simulator.
  • Both sides of a powered coil are highlighted when viewing power flow.
  • Bits in the second implied register in PI, PID, and KPID functions are retained between solves of the loop.
  • The Bit Sense function no longer stops the scan with an error condition when the middle node contains a 1x or a 3x register.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.65 Release Notes


  • Headers may now be imported and exported for the “Delimited Documentation Text” format.
  • The All Headers dialog now features Delete, Insert, Cut, Copy, and Paste functionality to quickly and easily reassign header information to other networks.
  • Column widths in the Data Window are now saved with the program.


  • A network can now be added to an empty segment while in continuous mode.
  • Performing a block move online when the high address in the move range is lower than the address of a used coil in the program no longer causes WorkShop to return a “Coil is already in use” error for the unused coil addresses specified within the range.
  • Saving a program that contains an empty first segment while online with the PLC no longer results in an error when the program is opened offline.
  • Added support for the Momentum I/O Bus module ARM 370 30.
  • The FTVersionTrak Connect to Repository toolbar and menu item are no longer enabled when you connect directly to a PLC.
  • Confirming changes made during a Replace Table function no longer causes WorkShop to unexpectedly close.
  • A warning message properly appears when attempting to open an FTVersionTrak-tracked file that has been deleted or destroyed in the FTVersionTrak repository.
  • Files loaded into the simulator can now be cross referenced properly.
  • Segment headers that are deleted outside of the Segment Header Input dialog are now properly updated.
  • The TAND function is now properly recognized as part of a network equation.
  • Clicking the Help button in the Replace Table dialog now displays the appropriate help topic.
  • Performing a fill in the data window in insert mode no longer overwrites the selected cell.
  • Losing communication to the PLC during a search now correctly reports a response timeout.
  • Losing communication to the FTVersionTrak database now correctly reports disconnection and no longer results in an error.
  • Logging out of the PLC no longer has the potential to cause deadlock.
  • Powerflow and ladder status are no longer turned off and disabled after an attempt to edit a ladder cell fails.
  • Attempting to cancel a required checkout while working with FTVersionTrak now properly cancels the action.
  • Attempting to compare a WorkShop file with unsaved changes using FTVersionTrak now properly displays changes when saved.
  • Errors that occur while online in the data window as a result of an update from the communications server no longer have the potential to cause deadlock.
  • Ladder status properly deactivates when saving to a program while online.
  • Intermittent undefined server error messages no longer appear when ladder status is switched off.
  • A network may now be properly be added to an empty segment while in continuous mode.
  • Attempting to go to an empty segment from the All Headers dialog no longer automatically creates an empty network.
  • Attempting to view a single segment from the All Headers dialog when no segments are selected no longer causes an error.
  • Attempting to close a file containing network header at maximum size no longer causes an application error.
  • Attempting to import headers when a network or segment header has been previously replaced by an empty header no longer causes the import to fail.