Month: May 2007

505 Simulator v2.02 Release Notes


  • Entering Run mode in certain types of user programs no longer causes an unexpected error.
  • Enabling a Special Function program that contains a K-memory address indexed in an expression no longer results in a compilation error.
  • Discrete parameters that are passed in SFSUB instructions in ladder are now properly checked that they are within a valid range before being compiled.
  • The Error Status Address for Special Function programs is now properly checked that it is within a valid range when the program is enabled.
  • The Ramp/Soak Status Bit address is now properly verified upon download of Ramp/Soak information.
  • The Special Function Error Code is now updated correctly during inline SFSUB executions, and the STORE instruction now properly reports errors so that values are written in the correct order to the Error Status address.
  • Write Loop and Write Alarm address values are now properly checked that they are within a valid range before they are written.
  • Simulator now correctly processes discrete addresses used in loops and alarms that were originally loaded from an APT program and then saved in WorkShop.

505 Simulator v2.01 Release Notes


  • Ladder, Special Function, and Expression compilers have been updated to find a broader range of syntax errors within a program.


  • The STW1.11 bit is now properly set and cleared during error situations.
  • The PRINT instruction now decodes text instructions that are not on a word-aligned boundary.
  • MOVE instructions now execute properly at a length of 256 and greater.
  • PID Loops now transition properly from automatic to cascade and back.
  • Attempting to launch 505 Simulator from within a copy of WorkShop that was originally installed by another user no longer results in an error.
  • Attempting to upgrade the site license of a copy of 505 Simulator that was originally installed by another user no longer results in an error.
  • Attempting to load a program that contains logic in an invalid location no longer causes 505 Simulator to close unexpectedly.
  • Open and close alarms that occupy the same address are now properly set by the DCAT instruction.
  • The value of the square root of a process variable calculation is no longer rounded before being scaled.
  • Timer (TMR) instruction output nodes now stay on if the input node turns off after the timer expires.
  • Valid information is now returned when reading or writing Loop Mode and Loop Status TT types.
  • Error bits are now properly set after the occurrence of a non-fatal error.
  • The Special Function Subroutine (SFSUB) instruction now properly sets and clears status and error bits during execution.
  • Go To Subroutine (GTS, PGTS, and PGTSZ) instructions now correctly set all error bits and words when a subroutine stack overflow occurs.
  • Deleting a Cyclic Special Function program that is being executed no longer causes 505 Simulator to close unexpectedly.


PLC WorkShop Suite for Siemens 505 v4.11 Release Notes


  • Supports the new CTI 2500 Series processors.
  • Program file passwords are now requested before PLC passwords when attaching online to a PLC.
  • Profibus is now supported when using CTI 2500 PLCs.
  • CAMP is now supported for the local port when using CTI 2500 PLCs. CAMP is supported for the 2572A Ethernet module on CTI 2500 PLCs with Firmware version 2.10. CAMP is supported for the 2572 Ethernet module on CTI 2500 PLCs with Firmware version 8.60.
  • The System Part Number dialog now displays the part number for the CTI 2500 PLC.
  • The PLC Status and Faults dialogs now support new non-fatal errors when using CTI 2500 PLCs.


  • FTVersionTrak no longer attempts to connect to the repository when a user opening a WorkShop file that is being tracked by FTVersionTrak cancels the repository connection.
  • Attempting to save a file being tracked by FTVersionTrak to a new filename now results in a disconnection from the repository.
  • Performing a File Program Compare at the Basic level no longer causes WorkShop to close unexpectedly.
  • WorkShop no longer closes unexpectedly when the Activity Audit database file is missing.
  • CTI 2500 programs that have been converted from 505 programs that contained SmarTunes are now downloaded without error.
  • FTVersionTrak will no longer prompt a user to get the latest version of a WorkShop file more than once after the program is opened.
  • Double-clicking an FTVersionTrak-related icon within WorkShop no longer results in the dialog being displayed twice.
  • Site license customers are no longer prompted to enter their password when uninstalling the software.
  • Attempting to launch the full version of FTLogger or FTTrender from within a copy of WorkShop that was originally installed by another user no longer results in an error or the launch of a limited version of the product.
  • Attempting to upgrade the site license of a copy of WorkShop that was originally installed by another user no longer results in an error.
  • Errors occurring within FTVersionTrak no longer cause WorkShop to close unexpectedly.
  • The FTVersionTrak Connect to Repository toolbar button and menu item are no longer active after attaching online to a PLC without a program file.
  • Loading a program file with a large amount of TCP data no longer incorrectly displays an “Address Element is Out of Range” error message.
  • Opening a program file tracked by FTVersionTrak that has been deleted or destroyed in the FTVersionTrak repository now results in a warning message being displayed.
  • Performing a Find on a WAND instruction now correctly displays search results.