Author: Ethan Wilke

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.46 Release Notes


  • Program name, data, time and page number may be printed at the top or bottom of each page.
  • Margin settings now apply to the page headers and footers.
  • Floating Documentation Window displaying tag, description and description comments in multi-line Window added.
  • Floating Documentation Window displaying description comments in a single line Window added.
  • Manual enhancements including DX zoom screen shots, “Monitor Mode” and “Compare function” added.


  • During installation all nodes under the tree structure as selected by default.
  • The “Trace Coil” and “Untrace Coil” features highlight the ladder logic starting at the position of the cursor.
  • Corrected problem with the Quantum Traffic Cop configuration retaining added drops.
  • Toolbar is no longer redrawn when focus is clicked on a minimized window.
  • The “Global I/O” and ‘Edit’ dialogs calculate the correct ‘to’ address for 0x and 1x discretes.
  • The “Global I/O” dialog allows “Global Output length” and “Global Output reference” to be empty.
  • Corrected “Print” and “Print Preview” problem when printing Module Port information for Micro 612 PLCs.
  • Online with a 984-785E the “PLC Type Setup” dialog determines which PLC type it is displaying.
  • Corrected visibility problem when entering in the “Address” column in the Data Window.
  • The Data Window no longer loses focus after returning from the Windows common dialog used to load and save templates.
  • “Module Zoom” no longer displays the changes even through they are not physically accepted.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.45 Release Notes


  • Program name, data, time and page number may be printed at the top or bottom of each page.
  • Margin settings now apply to the page headers and footers.
  • Floating Documentation Window displaying tag, description and description comments in multi-line Window added.
  • Floating Documentation Window displaying description comments in a single line Window added.
  • Manual enhancements including DX zoom screen shots, “Monitor Mode” and “Compare function” added.


  • Complex printer driver selections are now displayed in the print setup Properties dialog.
  • Entire network headers are now written when programs are output to text files.
  • Peer Cop configuration extension data is now correctly read from and written to PLCs.
  • Peer Cop now allows BCD and BIN selections for Global I/O register address types.
  • The “Unable to locate the security server” error when disabling a Microsoft Access database activity audit file is fixed.
  • The ‘Online Logic Powerflow Update’ setting in the ‘Update Times’ tab of the ‘Program Setup’ dialog may be adjusted when online networks are incorrectly marked ‘skipped’ while displaying powerflow.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.44 Release Notes


  • The .FMD file format is changed in this release.
    Files saved by this version of WorkShop cannot be opened by earlier versions of WorkShop.


  • When searching for text in the Documentation Window, the Match Case option is now available.
  • The BIN/BCD toggle push button on the I/O Drop Editor for remote I/O modules under Quantum is now enabled.
  • Added an option to correct a rare condition where networks are incorrectly reported as skipped in the ladder display.
  • If the condition occurs, set the powerflow update delay with controls in the Online Logic Powerflow Update group box in the Update Times tabbed dialog of the Program Setup dialog.
  • The default setting, zero milliseconds, is appropriate for almost all PLCs.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.43 Release Notes


  • When importing documentation from Modsoft, the Descriptor can now be placed in the Description Comment field. There are three choices:
    • The first 96 characters in the Description and the rest in the Description Comment
    • The first 96 characters in the Description and entire Descriptor in the Description Comment (the first 96 characters are repeated)
    • The entire Descriptor in the Description Comment and nothing in the Description


  • Corrected a condition where, in the Documentation Window, the keyword search was not case sensitive even when the Match Case box was checked.
  • Corrected a situation where the box that shows the progress of loading a file into the PLC would not close.
  • The system will not attempt to write PCop information to a running PLC.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.42 Release Notes


  • Network headers are now included in the export to ProWORX NXT .FIL file.
  • Added support for CPS12420 power supply.
  • Added support for MPM-204 Zoom module
  • Added support for:
    • Quantum NOA 622 00
    • Quantum NOE 771 01
    • Quantum NOE 711 11
    • Momentum ANR 120 91
    • Compact DEP 256
    • Compact DAP 258
    • Compact ADU 256
  • Print font dialogs now display not only the screen fonts, but also the printer fonts.
  • Feature: Profibus support in Configuration Extension.
  • Feature: Flash Ram support for 434.
  • Added support for second Modbus port on 785.


  • After Windows 2000 Hot Fix KB824141 was installed, the first character a user typed in ladder logic was repeated several times. The WorkShop code has been changed to prevent this behavior.
  • EXE loadables are now saved from 113-03 processors correctly.
  • Corrected a problem with the configuration of ASCII messages in Quantum 113-03 processors.
  • Corrected a condition where an E275 PLC sometimes failed write to Internal Flash or PCMCIA cards when communicating through the Modbus+ port.
  • Correctly shows module number for unconfigured slots. Recognizes more IO modules.
  • TCOP now correctly counts the number of modules.
  • Added check to verify that the number of drops does not exceed the number of segments.
  • The Remote 984 I/O Drop for DCP:3x registers now increments correctly.
  • Zoom screens for Momentum AAI 030 00 and AAI 140 00 modules have been corrected.
  • Support added for constants up to 65535 in Quantum timers and counters.
  • Enhanced the merge function to better check for features used in the source program that are not supported in the target PLC.
  • Added support for the ProWORX 2.0 .fis file format, which is different from the later versions of that format.
  • Improved cursor navigation the node editor in online programming prevents some errors resulting from unusual combinations of keystrokes.
  • Corrected a condition where copying and pasting addresses with full documentation fields would cause a system error.
  • Corrected a situation where editing some Config Extensions would result in an application error due to the size of the config extension.
  • Corrected a situation where saving an EXE loadable to a DOS PRG file caused an application error.
  • Improved the copy/paste process in the node editor to prevent a condition where a “coil in use” error would be generated even though the coil in question is the one being cut.
  • Corrected a condition where the DX Zoom for an EMATH instruction could cause a resource error.
  • The TCOP 140 AVI zoom dialog now accepts any of the channel range selections for any channel.
  • Corrected a condition where File Compare reported configuration differences on non-existant Modbus ports.
  • Ladder display improved to prevent a sequence of opening and closing ladder logic windows and the data window from confusing the range display.
  • Cut and Paste Special now includes address documentation.
  • Documentation is now printed for 5 digit addressing even if it was originally produced under 6 digit addressing.
  • Corrected a condition where documentation would be printed even when not selected in the main print dialog.
  • Corrected a condition where printing only single items would result in a system error.
  • Several idiosyncrasies in printing have been eliminated.
  • Corrected printing of TCOP locations.
  • FasTrak security no longer allows an existing password to be changed to blank.


PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.40 Release Notes


  • Added “FasTrak NT Authentication Security” – a major, new feature that supports NT Security and activity audit trails.
  • Added configuration details to the Cross Reference.
  • Added On-line Delete while in Node Edit mode.
  • Added support for Dynamic Routing for TCP/IP to Modbus+ bridge.
  • Added support for writing to EPROM or Flash memory in TSX 32-Bit Compacts.
  • Added Default Save and Restore feature to the main print dialog.
  • Added ability to Insert and Delete rows while on-line in Node Edit mode.
  • Added ability to choose a 5 or 6-digit scheme while importing delimited text documentation.
  • Added Cut and Paste by part to the Node Editor.
  • Added ability to Delete (Clear) a highlighted part of network with delete key to all editors.
  • Added support for Square-D SY/MAX modules to the Traffic Cop.
  • Added support for duplicate coils.
  • Added support for duplicate TCOP Modules numbers for Quantum, 32bit Compact, and Momentum PLCs.
  • Added support for AMCI 18x1Q, AMCI 18x2Q, AMCI 18x3Q, AMCI 18x4Q, AMCI 1861Q and AMCI 1862Q Quantum TCOP Modules.
  • Added support for module 170 ARM 370 30.
  • Added support for module 140 HRT 100 00.
  • Added a page number indicator to the Print Preview window.
  • Allow the typing of just an address for a NO contact when offline in Logic.
  • Added new branch cursoring feature.
  • Added ability to import documentation from Taylor, ModSoft, and DMC while online.
  • Added support for the import and export of Graysoft Title Pages (.TTL).
  • Added ALT-Z as a hot key for DX Zoom screens.
  • Added improved progress feedback during the import of DOS label.
  • Added a Help button to the DX Zoom screens.
  • Added functionality to edit the top node of a PCFL instruction.
  • Added option to cancel a Cross-Reference build both offline and online.
  • Added import of documentation with special ALT-3-digit-keyboard characters such as alt-157 ‘¥’, alt-171 ‘½’, alt-146 ‘Æ’.
  • Added DOS PGR to Save As dialog box.
  • Added a DX Zoom screen for the STAT instruction of an S901 PLC.
  • Added a check for the number of DX instructions on a 24-bit 584 when connecting on-line.


  • Corrected problem of WorkShop shutting down when clicking “OK” while in the Title Page Print Editor.
  • Corrected problem of extra fields created within an exported, tab-delimited documentation file from documentation originally imported from Taylor.
  • Corrected problem of the wrong address opening for edit when doubling clicking on any 1x register from within the Documentation Window.
  • Corrected problem whereby using CNTL-Insert would open the Copy dialog.
  • Corrected filename display problem when printing the page headers.
  • Corrected sizing issues of toolbar button text when font size is modified.
  • Corrected problem of placing a coil in a network with no inputs. Coil is now placed further in to the network.
  • Corrected problem of writing a 6-digit address as a tag when typing in a tag name while having 5-digit scheme set and “Assign Address” activated.
  • Corrected problem with improper text wrapping in Segment and Network headers.
  • Corrected problem with Net Scan with SA85 based on port setting.
  • Corrected problem of scanning on both Modbus and SA85 for a PLC on a Modbus port set to SLAVE in a BM85.
  • Corrected number of addresses scanned through while on a BM85 through SA85.
  • Corrected the error display message while scanning an Ethernet bridge that crosses domain names. Dynamic Routing now corrects this and PLCs are properly displayed.
  • Corrected downloading the network equation instruction “FULL” in to an Quantum.
  • Corrected problem with picking an address in the Address Used table while in 5-digit mode.
  • Corrected problem of computer lockup in Windows 2000 when bringing up the open/save dialog if the “My Documents” or “My Briefcase” folder is selected.
  • Corrected problem of improperly painted background when a contact is selected and highlighted and logic status is turned on.
  • Corrected a General Protect Fault error when pasting with rewire into an empty segment number two while in continuous mode.
  • Corrected a problem with Undo while on-line in Node Edit mode after having placed a contact over a horizontal short.
  • Corrected error when trying to validate an addition of a symbol to a cell without having cursored off the cell.
  • Corrected a display problem when after having received an exceeding ladder memory warning. Display would become completely white or the warning dialog would trail white if clicked and dragged.
  • Corrected problem with displaying a 4x register value for a NEQN block while in 5-digit scheme.
  • Corrected improper display of parity setting of an ASCII port.
  • Corrected audible computer signal when highlighting ladder and dragging it to the far left of the logic window.
  • Corrected display problem of a highlighted cell when the DX Zoom screen is open; cell color is now inverted to the dialog’s list box color.
  • Corrected alignment problem of time and date information with the headers.
  • Corrected the problem when, by doubling clicking on an FMD file, user would receive a “Cannot find file” error and return a “Key not found error”.
  • Corrected problems of restoring default print settings when importing DOS PGR or existing WorkShop file.
  • Corrected problem of attaching to an E275 while in error state.
  • Corrected problems with restoring print defaults if original defaults had been saved from a file with a differing configuration.
  • Corrected various context sensitive help areas.
  • Corrected Quantum VME PLC’s configuration dialog window and revised areas of the dialog’s look and feel. The dialog’s combo box now works correctly.
  • Corrected the serial communication’s parity selection of ODD. Users can now select ODD as a parity choice.
  • Corrected problem importing large ModSoft documentation files.
  • Corrected import of ModSoft documentation contained named timers and counters. Named timers and counters now import correctly.
  • Corrected ModBus port support for Micro controllers 311, 411, 512, and 612 and added simple ASCII port setup configuration.
  • Corrected the writing of addresses when using Shared Documentation from 5-digit to 6-digit.
  • Corrected “Error Displaying Logic” message when pasting logic in to a new file with no existing networks.
  • Corrected warning when attempting to open a newer file format of a WorkShop file with an older version of WorkShop; warning states that there is an error with the “.FMD” file.
  • Corrected problems jumping to desired addresses by double-clicking them from within the All Headers window.
  • Corrected display of addresses to be formatted as floating point for the EMTH instruction within a DX Zoom screen.
  • Corrected using the enter key to execute the find in a DX Zoom text search.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.31 Release Notes


  • Corrected problem where attempting an import of a TAB delimited file, while the file is open in EXCEL, gave a sharing violation error, and when doing OK on that error, the import meter bar resides and the software is locked.
  • Corrected problem where the HotKey for Select All, “Ctrl-A” did not work when DOS Hotkeys or Modsoft Hotkeys was turned on.
  • Corrected problem being unable to connect Online to a PLC which has loadables saved in it, and unable to load a file offline which had loadables saved in it. A GPF would occur.
  • Corrected problem where the display of a vertical branch after an up transition, was overwritten when ‘symbol display’ was on and powerflow was showing.
  • Corrected problem where saving a program in Combine mode online in v5.30 caused a GPF.
  • Corrected problem where when double clicking on an FMD file to start PLCWorkShop, the Most Recent Used file list was different than if you just ran the software.
  • Corrected problem where in the TCP/IP comm. Setup, and network scan the user could not enter a 0 for any part of the IP address.
  • Corrected problem where the CR/LF was not recognized during the import of the Modsoft Segment/Network Comment file.
  • Corrected problem when a DX Zoom is done on an instruction, and the instruction contains a 0x discrete, which appears in the zoom window, the 0x discretes cannot be changed to a value of 1. The zoom window will always display a value of 0, even if it is a 1.
  • Corrected problem of being unable to attach Online to older 424 Quantums. Error message “Cannot get object from array” was occurring. Attach to other 424s was OK.
  • Corrected problem where the TCOP module 170-AMM-090 for a Momentum 170CC980-20 did not appear in the TCOP if it was originally entered via Modicon Concept software v2.5.
  • Corrected problem where the output addresses of Quantum TCOP modules with mixed 16 bit inputs and 8 bit outputs, such as (DDM390, DAM390, DAM490, DAM590) could not be configured on BYTE boundaries.
  • Corrected problem where the user was not able to get Online to the TSX Compacts when his key was programmed for Compacts Only. It did work for Offline.
  • Corrected problem where when pasting with rewire at the End of a segment in continuous mode, the network always went to the first network in the segment.
  • Corrected problem where when doing CTRL-L into the documentation editor, in 5-digit address mode, the doc editor did not display the address correctly.
  • Corrected problem where online with a Quantum and adding a NEQN in the last network and cursor off the instruction caused a “Search Failed” error.
  • Corrected problem where opening a FasTrak DOS “.PGR” file containing Peer Cop, did not import the PCOP correctly.
  • Corrected problem where powerflow on a parallel coil did not display correctly.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.30 Release Notes


  • Added Graphical Symbol representations in Ladder Logic for contacts and coils.
  • Added Password Security to the application allowing a System Administrator to be used in setting up users with proper rights.


  • Corrected problem where in the TCP/IP comm. Setup, and network scan the user could not enter a 0 for any part of the IP address.
  • Corrected problem where the CR/LF was not recognized during the import of the Modsoft Segment/Network Comment file.
  • Corrected problem when a DX Zoom is done on an instruction, and the instruction contains a 0x discrete, which appears in the zoom window, the 0x discretes cannot be changed to a value of 1. The zoom window will always display a value of 0, even if it is a 1.
  • Corrected problem of being unable to attach Online to older 424 Quantums. Error message “Cannot get object from array” was occurring. Attach to other 424s was OK.
  • Corrected problem where the TCOP module 170-AMM-090 for a Momentum 170CC980-20 did not appear in the TCOP if it was originally entered via Modicon Concept software v2.5.
  • Corrected problem where the output addresses of Quantum TCOP modules with mixed 16 bit inputs and 8 bit outputs, such as (DDM390, DAM390, DAM490, DAM590) could not be configured on BYTE boundaries.
  • Corrected problem where the user was not able to get Online to the TSX Compacts when his key was programmed for Compacts Only. It did work for Offline.
  • Corrected problem where when pasting with rewire at the End of a segment in continuous mode, the network always went to the first network in the segment.
  • Corrected problem where when doing CTRL-L into the documentation editor, in 5-digit address mode, the doc editor did not display the address correctly.
  • Corrected problem where online with a Quantum and adding a NEQN in the last network and cursor off the instruction caused a “Search Failed” error.
  • Corrected problem where opening a FasTrak DOS “.PGR” file containing Peer Cop, did not import the PCOP correctly.
  • Corrected problem where powerflow on a parallel coil did not display correctly.
  • Corrected problem where going online to a Quantum that contained a program with PCOP, and Head 0, was showing Head 65535 for the Global and Specific I/O with no proper entries. When going in those locations, an error message occurred “Empty Parameter String”.
  • Corrected problem where a lengthy Segment or Network header without Carriage Returns, did not wrap while viewing the Logic Window. The first line appeared and continued to run off the right edge of the window.
  • Corrected problem where the Tag and Description column widths used to display these items in the Edit Documentation dialog did not match the way these items are displayed in the ladder window cells depending on the font type used.
  • Corrected problem where the Online Status and Powerflow stopped displaying when doing the following: With Logic Status and Powerflow turned on, double click on an address on a contact. This puts the cursor in edit mode. Then click off it. The Status and PF no longer display, and they are checked on but grayed out in the menu.
  • Corrected problem where the Network Cross Reference of a network number in any Segment greater than Segment 10, actually did the Net XREF for that network number in Segment 1.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.21 Release Notes


  • Added option which automatically checks the FasTrak Web site for the available software updates. Also, a “Visit FasTrak on the Web” item was added to the “Help” menu which opens a new or redirects an existing Web browser window to the FasTrak home Web page. The FasTrak Web site is automatically checked for a software update only when the user selects this option in the Program Setup dialog and an Internet connection already exists when PLC WorkShop is started.
  • Added the ability to modify headers with Modify Doc on the right mouse click in the header.


  • Corrected problem offline in Continuous Network Mode, highlighting some logic in Segment 2 and doing a Cut, actually cut the logic from Segment 1.
  • Corrected problem where clearing configuration after changing quantities, did not replace the battery coil in the coils used table. If a program was merged into this new configuration, it resulted in “Invalid Coils Used” error when trying to go in Run Online.
  • Corrected problem where using fill formats with 0X addresses could cause addresses not to be zero filled.
  • Corrected problem of being unable to attach to PLC straight serially after first attempting to unsuccessfully attach to PLC via modem. The error “Unable to attach to PLC. Error writing to comm port” would occur.
  • Corrected problem where on a Micro CPU, “Illegal Node” was occurring during a Save Online, when running Windows 98. This was due to a timeout.
  • Corrected problem where verify for saved file did not work correctly for shared documentation. This could have resulted in an application error during or after an Online save.
  • Corrected problem where the Insert and Validate of a blank network did not get stored properly. This resulted in the networks that were added, not existing in the saved file, and also resulted in the networks being displayed online, but could not be deleted in Continuous By Segment mode.
  • Corrected problem where importing a .PGR file in which the configuration takes several buffers, could cause an incorrect import of TCOP, Loadables, Solve table, Configuration Extension. This could result in an “Invalid Solve Table” error.
  • Corrected problem where we were unable to add TCP/IP to the existing Configuration Extension online, even when the PLC was not in Run.
  • Corrected problem being unable to see the FT-SQD in the Update key dialog.
  • Corrected problem where Trace did not locate properly after a ‘Header Keyword’ search was done.
  • Corrected problem where the 4X Register Import would not bring in the documentation, if the description was using multiple delimited columns in the text file.
  • Corrected problem where validating a rung which had a coil address beyond the configured quantity and was preceded with fake shorts, the ladder cursor would locate in the wrong location after receiving the invalid address error.
  • Corrected problem where the DX Zoom on R-T Moves and most other Move instructions, did not show all the registers if the table size in the bottom node was greater than 12, or less than 20.
  • Corrected problem where Online in Node Edit, in Continuous By Segment mode, the correct network number was not returned, which resulted in not being able to delete certain networks that were inserted.
  • Corrected problem where in INSERT mode in the data window, if you had addresses in the window, and an insert was done over the top of them, the new addresses were displayed, but the new addresses were actually internally the same as the address where the Insert was done.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.20 Release Notes


  • Added Network Scan “WHO” to all four communication port types: Serial, TCPIP, SA85 and Applicom with the ability to continue the scan on any bridge that may be found.
  • Added a keyword search to the Documentation “Find” dialog. The keyword search checks each Tag, Description and Description Comment for text matching the user-entered string. Case sensitivity is optional.
  • Added a keyword search to the logic “Find” dialog. The keyword search checks each network header for text matching the user-entered string. This search is case insensitive.
  • Added online editing and quick database save to the combined mode.
  • Added a Run/Stop button on the toolbar.
  • Added a Header List of the first 80 or so characters of all segment and network headers along with a GoTo Segment/Network option.
  • Added an automatic verify of a File Save each time a save is done. This verifies if any problem occurred during the save, which would cause the file to be unable to open later.
  • Added the option for the user to choose up to 999 Backup files to be saved when saving a program file.
  • Added support for ‘ and ” to insert a contact and | to insert a down branch when set for MODSOFT hot keys.
  • Added modem Terminal mode to serial communications.
  • Added the ability to run the software from a desktop icon, and Windows Explorer with program auto load.
  • The following TCOP modules (and Zoom screens where appropriate) have been added: ACI050, ACI051, ACI052, AUI040, AVI050, DAM390, DAM490, DCF077, DDI364, DDO364, DEVNET-08, DEVNET-32, DSI353, DVO853, I2T010, I2T016, MCI1831, QUCM-SE, XBE100, ECH204, ECH208, ERT854.
  • Changed the Find next/prev after a goto network, to NOT find the last found address. Instead it finds the next address AFTER the one last found if one exists.
  • Added the “Compact Phase II” Config Extension.
  • Added Print of I/O Scanner information and Phase II Compacts of the Configuration Extension.
  • Modified the Doc Window “Find” dialog so that the string entered in the “Find What” edit box and the “Search” combo box selection of the previous ‘find’ exist on subsequent ‘finds’.
  • Added a list box to the Key Update dialog, containing the names and expiration dates of all products programmed in the Rainbow key attached to the PC.
  • Added the name of the program being compared, in the compare dialog, when doing program compare.
  • Added timely status messages during Online Compare of ladder.
  • Added the mismatched values for registers compared, in the display of the Compare results window.
  • Modified the save dialog to default the 6x registers to unchecked.
  • Added the ability to update the Rainbow Security Key from the “Update Key” item of the “Help” menu.


  • Corrected problem in Windows 98 with program online and in Run with status on, if a window was moved around, the window did not refresh the display properly.
  • Corrected problem where the window in the cross reference dialog did not refresh properly after doing “By Network” of a network containing logic and then again “Refresh” of a different network that is empty.
  • Corrected problem when in a DX Zoom screen, if located on an editable parameter and enter a numeric value through the numeric keypad, the first character typed (1 through 6) appeared as a letter (A through F), and the following characters appeared as the expected numeric values.
  • Corrected problem where printing documentation always showed addresses in 6-digit mode regardless of the address size selected in Program Setup.
  • Corrected problem where printing documentation in a file with shared documentation did not show all documentation on file.
  • Corrected GPF when selecting “Coils Used” from the “View” menu, and then clicking “Addresses Used” in the dialog.
  • Corrected problem where PeerCop Global I/O did not allow the Clear of the Global Inputs. Subfield was also not allowed to be entered. Also corrected ability to choose BCD/BIN on registers.
  • Corrected problem in the module zoom of TCOP module 140 AUI 040 00 where the Temperature parameter for C or F kept defaulting back to C if it was changed to F.
  • Corrected problem where PCFL instruction EQN was not checking the valid range for parameter entered, and DX Zoom was not allowed.
  • Corrected problem where the 3rd parameter in a PCFL instruction was not allowed to be modified.
  • Corrected problem where it was assumed that PCFL instructions use 64 implied registers when they can use UP TO 64. This value is the 3rd parameter in the instruction. XREF was showing all 64 used, even if the value was not 64.
  • Corrected problem where the Momentum 171 760 00, 12K processor could not be taken out of Dim Awareness.
  • Corrected GPF when doing approximately 128 on screen edits in one session in Windows 95/98/or ME.
  • Corrected problem where doing a Find on a network number greater than 1000, would find the network number of first 3 digits entered. For example:Find Net 1234 would find Net 123.
  • Corrected problem where opening a PGR file sometimes did not read EXE loadables correctly, and gave error “Cannot get an object from an array”.
  • Corrected problem where, in SA85 communication Setup, the LAN Adapter was not used for anything. The adapter number was instead controlled by the Port type: SA85_1 (LAN 0) and SA85_2 (LAN 1). Also the user could never get to LAN 1.
  • Corrected problem where searching for an Address in a program with multiple segments, and display mode was set to “Cont. By Seg”, when a new segment window was opened and then replaced in the search process, the window title was not updated.
  • Corrected problem where the Cross Reference and Find did not detect the implied registers in the ‘PID Control’, ‘PI Control’, ‘Ratio Control’ and ‘Totalize’ of the PCFL box instructions.
  • Corrected problem where the DX Zoom screens for some PCFL instructions were wrong.
  • Corrected problem where when opening a certain PGR file, the message “Cannot open INF” occurred.
  • Corrected problem where address display mode should not be set to 5-digit mode when configured address quantities are too large to display in 5 digits.
  • Corrected problem where The maximum “Tag Rows” in “Program Setup” “Ladder” settings is 4 when it used to be 5.
  • Corrected problem where, on an Import of the Modsoft symbol/descriptor file, if addresses in the file have a symbol, but not a descriptor, the item was ignored.
  • Corrected problem where, when online with a PLC that does not have Password support in the config extension, the user could logoff but could not logon.
  • Corrected problem where online loading an EXE or DAT Loadable, when canceling it still continued with the clear of logic, and the PLC would go in Dim Awareness.
  • Corrected problem where printing of disabled states in 5 digits mode, printed addresses in 6 digits but wrapped the last digit.
  • Corrected problem where opening a data window without any addresses, and going to program setup to change number of digits from 5 to 6, would cause a GPF.
  • Corrected problem where bringing up “Address Used” when the cursor was not located on an address in ladder, caused an “Empty Parameter String” error.
  • Corrected problem where merge did not support the ZEQN instruction properly. Added a check for legal NEQN instruction and code to merge the network.
  • Corrected problem where doing a find offline for an NEQN instruction finds it, but when clicking ‘Find Next”, it doesn’t continue.
  • Corrected problem when validating a network and getting a coils used error, the ladder would be located in the wrong segment/network number.
  • Corrected problem where having 2 coils of the same address in the same network, and when validating it gives coils used error, searching for this coil would fail.
  • Corrected problem where the key check checks until it finds one key with product support. It needed to go to other ports to check them all.
  • Corrected problem where the description field in the Cross Reference window was partially displaying the second line of the description.
  • Corrected problem where after a Node Edit Online, Network delete, add, or clear, the Find would locate on incorrect networks.
  • Corrected problem where Modsoft hotkeys other than branches and the short were not working correctly in online node editing mode.
  • Corrected problem where Paste with Rewire was ALWAYS rewiring with Doc included, even if it was not checked to do so.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.19 Release Notes


  • Corrected problem where attempting to import “Modsoft Text Export (Addr/Sym/Desc)” displayed a “Cannot open Data Template File” error.
  • Corrected GPF when Exporting documentation to ProWORX .FIL or .FIS when descriptions needed to be split into smaller portions because of a miscalculation of string length.
  • Corrected problem where Export to ProWorx .FIS file was not creating the proper format.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.18 Release Notes


  • Corrected problem where when doing node editing Online, and editing the last network and entering in branches in a cell location prior to downloading a contact already in that cell, would eventually cause an “Error Writing Node to PLC”, and put the PLC in STOP.
  • Corrected problem where Cutting/Pasting in a 5-digit program with shared documentation, the pasted doc did not print.
  • Corrected problem where invalid addresses in the doc window were not allowed to be deleted.
  • Corrected problem where attempting to force an element when memory protect is on gave no error message.
  • Corrected problem when Pasting with Rewire in continuous mode, the pasted logic was placed in the last configured segment regardless of the intended paste location.
  • Corrected problem where saving an online program from a 984A-S901 to disk and opening that program offline, the PLC Type and Memory Size combo boxes in the PLC Type Setup dialog were blank.
  • Made modification where when going online with a PLC which contains no logic, an “Error while attempting to display logic.” Error appeared. The text of the error message was changed to “The PLC currently contains no logic.”
  • Corrected problem when displaying the ‘Copy’ dialog from the Doc Window, the static text within the dialog says ‘Merge Program Merge Program’ instead of ‘Copy Range’.
  • Corrected problem where Undoing a node edit Online, the “edit” stays on the title bar. This happened for any segment other then 1.
  • Corrected problem where when Online entering a NO or NC contact and typing an address, and without pressing enter, select F9 (Branch Down hot key) the address is cleared.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.17 Release Notes


  • Added support for four new M1E momentums, which include: 171 CCS 960 20, 171 CCS 960 30, 171 CCS 980 20, and 171 CCS 980 30.
  • Added support for BOOTP server for M1E and Quantum PLCs that support TCP/IP.
  • Added feature to the Addresses Used dialog for the address appearing in the ‘Start Address’ edit box to default to the address on which the ladder cursor is positioned.
  • Added the ‘Edit Segment Header’ icon to now appear at the top of each network, which allows the user to edit the Segment Header from any network in the Segment.
  • Added feature to locate the cursor at the mouse pointer when the right mouse button is clicked.


  • Corrected problem where connecting online to a 984A-S908 PLC resulted in a GPF.
  • Corrected problem where The Program Setup dialog allowed a maximum of 12 rows for Tags and 4 rows for Descriptions. These maximum values were be swapped.
  • Corrected problem where the Browse dialog of Modsoft import was filtering for files ending in ‘MSE’. The .MSE extension was used as a default, which caused no files in the Browse dialog. The dialog of the Modsoft import now uses the *.* filter which displays files of all extensions.
  • Corrected problem where typing in a file path and name in the Export dialog displayed a “File name must be entered’ error.
  • Corrected problem where the Start Address edit box in the Addresses Used dialog always assumed 6-digit addressing regardless of the size selected in Program Setup.
  • Corrected problem where program Merge was not bringing over Segment Headers.
  • Corrected problem when displaying the ‘Copy’ dialog from the Doc Window, the static text within the dialog says ‘Merge Program Merge Program’ instead of ‘Copy Range’.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.16 Release Notes


  • Corrected problem where Program Setup allowed Data Window max rows to be more than 1000. The max allowed is 1000. When more was entered, scrolling beyond 1000 caused a GPF.
  • Corrected problem when we get a TCP/IP error code of over 9, we reported an unknown error to the user.
  • Corrected problem where exporting labels from 32-bit PLC WorkShop to FT-DOS files (or “Saving As” to the FT-DOS format) shifted the 2nd line of the DOS label by 2 chars and the 3rd line of the label by 4 chars.
  • Corrected problem where comparing Configuration Extension does not catch all mismatches.


  • Added Combine Mode (Fast Online Only).
  • Added Help button to Open dialog.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.14 Release Notes


  • Added Online DEMO mode.
  • Added ability to Import Modsoft Segment and Network Comment files created by the Modsoft Export.
  • Added ability to Export documentation to the ProWORX documentation, “.FIL” file format.
  • Added ability to Import ProWORX .FIS Symbol file.
  • Added ability to Export documentation to the ProWORX Symbol, “.FIS” file format.
  • Increased capability of loading an EXE loadable of a size up to 700,000.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.13 Release Notes


  • Added I/O Scanner to Configuration Extension.
  • Added the following IOBUS TCOP modules: IBS_1203_IOBUS, IBS_1433_IOBUS, IBS_1503_IOBUS, IBS_1633_IOBUS, 170 ANM 050 10, 170 ANR 120 90.
  • Added the following Momentum TCOP Modules: 170 ANM 050 10, 170 ANR 120 90, 170 ADM 540 80.
  • Added Quantum TCOP modules and Zoom screens for the following: EIA 921-00, 140 ACO 130 00, 140 ACI 040 00, 140 AUI 040 00.
  • Added detail in order to improve metering of data values being loaded to or saved from the PLC.
  • Added a progress bar indicating “# bytes transferred” when loading loadables.
  • Added ability to allow text documentation import to allow files with the *.csv extension in addition to the *.txt extension.


  • Corrected problem where placing two EXE loadables into the offline loadable dialog and deleting the first one would cause a “Configuration Store record not found” Error.
  • Corrected problem where saving files from 32-bit PLC WorkShop as *.PGR files could not be reopened into 32-bit PLCWorkShop. “Cannot Import Label File” error would appear.
  • Corrected GPF when loading extremely large EXE loadable.
  • Corrected problem where trying to save a program from Online, it started, but then failed with error “Attempt to Exceed Internal Boundaries”.
  • Corrected problem where printing documentation to a file followed by execution of a print preview caused the margins of a print page to be incorrect.
  • Corrected problem where Merge would not properly set 1x, 3x and 4x addresses into a Destination program whose configured address values did not exactly match the Source program configured values.
  • Corrected terminology for documentation in the Import/Export dialog boxes.
  • Corrected problem where several Quantum Zoom screens assumed only one rack was available. Therefore racks 2 and higher were inaccessible.
  • Corrected problem where the position of the OK, Cancel and Help buttons should be swapped.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.12 Release Notes


  • Corrected problem where the F1 key was bring up the help index when set to DOS Hotkey mode, when it should have entered a contact.
  • Corrected problem where the NOE modules 771-00 and 251-00, and 771-10 and 211-00 have the same module number causing the 251 display for the 771. These have been modified to a combined description.
  • Corrected GPF when doing Paste with Rewire of only a blank network.
  • Corrected problem when entering values in Module Zoom screens when program setup was set for 5 Digits. Values were being read as 6 digits from the Module Zoom and caused Bad I/O TCOP error.
  • Corrected problem where Untrace did not work correctly when set to Single Network Display Mode. The cursor would untrace, but the display would not update properly.
  • Corrected problem where segment header printed with an indent when the last network of the previous segment had a wrap.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.11 Release Notes


  • Corrected problem where the Cut by parts did not normalize the rung number to the segment in continuous mode, which caused the Cut to happen in the wrong network number.
  • Corrected problem where the Save By Parts function did not check to see if shared documentation was used when not choosing to save doc, which caused “Unable to copy store in file” error.
  • Corrected problem being unable to insert a row in a network, with 6 rows of logic and an empty 7th row.
  • Corrected problem where incorrect “number of words left” was displayed due to incorrect calculation in size of EXE loadable.
  • Corrected problem when online in the Network edit mode where adding a coil to an existing network and typing an address and doing validate before cursoring off the item, would default to a 0x1 address.
  • Corrected problem where replacing a network online with a new coil that is already used, causes the “Coils Used” error but the network is deleted.
  • Corrected a problem where changing the configuration or leaving dim awareness in a 984-A141 resulted in invalid configuration.
  • Corrected problem where “Untrace Coil” does not locate on the original contact from which the original “trace” began.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.10 Release Notes


  • Added ‘Single Network Mode’ option to allow display of 1 network at a time and have ability to page up or down to the top of the next network as it was done in our DOS software.
  • Added functionality to highlight an edited instruction when doing Online Node Editing, so that it is visible that edit mode is present if the cursor had not been moved off the instruction yet.
  • Added “Trace” and “Untrace” similar to our DOS software where Shift-F1 and Shift-F2 are used. Being that Shift-F1 is used for a different function in the Windows, Shift-F2 and Shift-F3 are used.
  • Added ability to import the data templates from the DOS PLCWorkShop software.
  • Added support for Online access with the Applicom International PCI Modbus+ Sa85 card.
  • Added online network editor option to compliment the node editor. Allows 1 network to be edited online before validation.
  • Added functionality when importing DOS Labels, to insert CR/LF after each 10 characters.
  • Added ability to clear branches on box instructions one cell at a time.
  • Added a message display warning the key will expire within 30 days.
  • Added ability for text to wrap in the Title Page Print Editor.


  • Corrected problem where contents of the network number edit box in ‘Find’ should be selected when the dialog was initialized so the user can enter an alternate value without having to manually delete the default value.
  • Corrected problem where ‘Find’ of address/tag worked the first time but subsequent ‘Finds’ did not until closing the Find dialog and opening it again.
  • Corrected problem where the ‘Help’ tool bar icon did not have a tool tip.
  • Corrected problem where Paste with Rewire with Offset dialog did not format addresses consistent with the Program Setup’s 5 or 6 digit setting. “Element out of Range’ errors would erroneously be displayed.
  • Corrected problem where importing a 16-bit *.FTK file did not load the Title Page Print Editor.
  • Corrected problem where the ‘New Network’ tool bar icon tool tip said “New Rung”.
  • Corrected problem when validating a blank network the size came out as 6 bytes. It should only be 3.
  • Corrected problem where a short was being allowed to be placed in 11th column of ladder.
  • Corrected problem where the Status Display in logic was displaying an ‘OFF’ in the Network Equation instruction, which should not be there.
  • Corrected problem in Online Network Edit mode, and also in Single Network display mode, when shading 3 block instructions and copying, then pasting in the 4th column from the left, underneath the existing block instructions gave a GPF.
  • Corrected problem where entering any modules in racks 2 and greater through TCOP caused “Module not found in configuration” error.
  • Corrected problem where the description and tag printed in the logic inline cross-reference are not properly aligned.
  • Corrected problem where pasting networks when the ladder cursor is positioned at the “Segment End” box and the logic window is in continuous mode, the networks are pasted in the last configured segment, not the last segment which actually contains logic.
  • Corrected problem where editing a network equation in Online Node Editor did not update nodes used.
  • Corrected problem where highlighting networks with the mouse, from the last network up locks up the software.
  • Corrected problem where loading or saving the .EXE loadables LSUP and G398 to the 258 PLC caused a “Communications(8) – Invalid Parameter” error.
  • Corrected problem where in continuous network number mode if you paste onto the “End of Segment” the network would get placed at network 1 of that segment.
  • Corrected problem where when in continuous network mode and trying to paste a network in segment 3 when no networks exist in the first segment, the program locked up.
  • Corrected problem where if you have one network in a segment and you cut or delete that network and try to validate you would get “Error Displaying Logic”.
  • Corrected problem where when printing multiple segments in continuous mode, the inline cross reference in the ladder area, displayed as offset for by segment mode.
  • Corrected problem where 5-Digit addressing did not save for a quantum PLC.
  • Corrected problem where importing text files which were created/edited in Excel could not be imported into WorkShop.
  • Corrected problem where during Import/Export of text file, if the drive/path/file name found via “Browse” was too long to fit in the File Name edit box, it’s name is “shrunk” using an ellipsis to indicate missing portions. These shrunk file names caused errors when attempting to import or export documentation.
  • Corrected problem where pasting 3 move blocks in network 1 online with status and powerflow on caused a GPF.
  • Corrected problem where “A coil can not be pasted in a row with an existing coil” error displayed when a coil was entered correctly.
  • Corrected problem where pasting in continuous mode after a “Cut” caused error “Invalid Range of Rungs was set for Cut/Copy”.
  • Corrected problem where the meter for validating in Continuous network number mode still referred to networks validating in By Segment mode.
  • Corrected problem where pasting 5 networks in a new program segment 1, and then cutting the networks 2-5 caused display logic error.
  • Corrected GPF when unplugging serial cable during cross reference build.
  • Corrected problem where we allowed deleting of a coil while being logged out of the PLC, which can cause “Invalid Node communications”.
  • Adjusted wording in error message during Import of Text Doc files to indicate that they need to be in 6 digit form on the import, and to state the line the error occurred in.
  • Corrected problem where doing a Find/New, in the Doc Editor after just adding doc for an address, caused the last one to not save.
  • Corrected problem where doing a Merge into a matching config, and clicking on the TCOP option, caused an error “Number of modules in source does not match number of modules in target”.
  • Corrected problem where Paste with Rewire with offset and include description caused a GPF after pressing OK on the error “exceeding configuration”.
  • Corrected problem when online with status on, and highlighting a SUB box instruction and moving the mouse up and down caused the middle node status to change from ‘0’ to ‘OFF’.
  • Corrected problem when online with logic status and powerflow on, in continuous network number mode, when Status Optimize is on, only the first cell of powerflow was shown.
  • Corrected problem where opening an FTK file caused a debug error.
  • Corrected problem where addresses of both 5 digit and 6 digit formats could exist in the same shared doc file.
  • Corrected problem where the ADU211/212 TCOP module was not loaded properly for the 32bit Compacts.
  • Corrected problem where the module ADU211/212 was missing its zoom screen in the 32bit Compact TCOP.
  • Corrected problem where double clicking on a horizontal short or dotted line, and then clicking anywhere else resulted in “An error occurred while validating input”.
  • Corrected problem when entering a contact with the function keys, and typing the address, and pressing Enter, would bring up the mnemonics window.
  • Corrected problem where laying multiple logic windows over each other did not properly refresh network numbers.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.03 Release Notes


  • Corrected problem where Loading or Saving the .EXE loadables LSUP and G398 to the 258 PLC causes a “Communications(8) – Invalid Parameter” error.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.01 Release Notes


  • The state of ladder status is now saved for each comm. path.
  • Added the following DX zoom screens: XMIT, Compact STAT, Micro STAT, Momentum STAT.
  • Added support for TCOP modules ADU210, ADU214, ADU257, DAU211, 212, 220, 250, 252, 253, and 292, KOS260-24, KOS260-64.


  • Corrected wrong port type saved with file save through TCP/IP to SA85 Bridge.
  • Corrected problem where the JSR did not show constants as a valid type for top node.
  • Corrected item where Site License window was coming up for the Server after PLC WorkShop was already executed.
  • Corrected problem where we were unable to load an EXE loadable to PLC program.
  • Corrected problem in the TCP setup, modifying the retries or time out would give Port range error.
  • Corrected problem where the column display in the Cross Reference was sized incorrectly, too small, when doing a new and sizing the window and rebuilding XREF.
  • Corrected problem where sizing the Cross Reference Window to about two columns was causing a divide by zero GPF.
  • Corrected problem where in continuous mode the Append or Insert network was not working properly for the End of Segment.
  • Corrected problem when connected with the TCP/IP, and with SA85, if you do a save, it would default the filename as the description name that you had for the TCP/IP address.
  • Corrected problem that Cut by Parts was allowed online. This caused the node editor to malfunction and possibly GPF.
  • Corrected problem where Import of DOS PGR’s was not bringing in the Headers.
  • Corrected problem of Merge not merging the Headers.
  • Fixed memory leaks in Status and Powerflow which could have caused a GPF.
  • Corrected problem where Import FTK with 1 tag, and Edit the doc gave GPF.
  • Corrected problem when trying to import doc of an FMD, it gave error doing shared Doc with object open.
  • Corrected in PCOP, where you could not clear Specific IO or Global IO devices above device 2.
  • Corrected Loadable screen online: The File Contents always displayed in WORDS and the Current Program showed in BYTES.
  • Corrected problem where loadables larger then 50K would cause an overwrite in the configuration code.
  • Corrected problem where Compare of loadables did not work online.
  • Corrected problem where number nodes of logic used by an EXE loadable was only 1/2 of what it should have used.
  • Corrected problem that TCP/IP to Modbus Plus bridge did not work. SGATE bridge software needed to be upgraded. Also a minor change was done to server to communicate to multiple PLC’s better.
  • Corrected problem where the Latch Coil attaches the picture for a falling one shot on the cursor.
  • Corrected GPF that occurred Online by dropping a Latch coil on top of a regular existing coil, and clicking off of it.
  • Corrected problem where changing PLC type from Quantum to A145 caused the TCOP to get mixed up and unable to add modules.
  • Corrected problem where import of Doc only, of a PGR, was not bringing in the headers.
  • Corrected problem where opening a PGR file and doing print, would give error “Please enter a 0X register range from 1 to 0”.