FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Asset Management
- Added the ability to view all Assets with Meter Reading Definitions from the All Assets page.
- Added the ability to enter Meter Readings from the All Assets page.
- Dashboard
- Added a Widget that displays Work Orders by Asset.
- Added the ability to view closed, open, or all Work Orders on the Work Orders Breakdown by Labor Resource Widget.
- Dashboard
- Improved the Inventory Consumption by Location Widget.
- Improved the Preventive Maintenance Work Order Status by Due Date Widget.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Widgets.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Dashboard
- Added the ability to filter the Preventive Maintenance Forecast Widget by Due Date.
- Dashboard
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Widgets.
- Work Order Management
- Improved performance and display of custom Cost fields.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Work Order functionality.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Asset Management
- Added the ability to import Meter Readings for multiple Assets at once.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Dashboard
- Added a Widget that displays closed Work Orders by type.
- Added the ability to display custom Costs in the Customer Cost History Widget.
- User Management
- Improved search functionality in Users grid.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Work Order Management
- Added the ability to track custom costs on the Cost tab.
- Asset Management
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Meter Reading Definitions.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- General
- Improved grid retention of records per page and column width settings.
- Dashboard
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Widgets.
- User Management
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Recurring Work Order Permissions.
- Work Order Management
- Improved the display of Asset data in the Work Order History grid.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Asset Management
- Expanded list of available Meters to include “Fuel”.
- Dashboard
- Added a Widget that displays Meter Readings by Asset.
- Asset Management
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Asset functionality.
- Work Order Management
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Work Order functionality.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Dashboard
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Widgets.
- Service Request Management
- Minor improvements to the Service Request form user interface.
- Work Order Management
- Improved sorting of date fields in Work Order lists.
- Minor improvements and defect fixes to Work Order functionality.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Dashboard
- Added a Widget that displays a list of Recurring Work Orders.
- Dashboard
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Widgets.
- General
- Minor text adjustments in the footer.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Dashboard
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Widgets.
- Work Order Management
- Improved performance of the Work Order Home page.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Work Order functionality.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Dashboard
- Improved Widget cost reporting.
- Service Request Management
- Improved button text and validation messages on Service Request functionality.
- Work Order Management
- Improved tracking of Work Orders associated with multiple Customers.
- Improved Work Order Part cost tracking.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Work Order functionality.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Dashboard
- Added a Widget that displays Work Order cost history by Customer.
- User Management
- Added Recurring Work Order permissions.
- Dashboard
- Improved Dashboard performance.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Widgets.
- Inventory Management
- Improved Inventory Item Catalog page performance.
- Invoicing
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Invoicing functionality.
- Purchasing
- Improved clarity of button text in the Purchasing area user interface.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Purchasing functionality.
- Service Request Management
- Improved button text and validation messages on Service Request functionality.
- Work Order Management
- Improved Task completion time recording.
- Improved Task completion process.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Work Order functionality.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Work Order Management
- Expanded support for special characters for Non-User Approver passcodes.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Asset Management
- Expanded the available columns in the Meter Reading Definitions grids.
- Dashboard
- Added a customizable KPI dashboard.
- Added ability to create user-defined Widget groups.
- Added Widget permissions.
- Globalization
- Expanded support for data entry using non-Latin alphabets.
- Added support for foreign languages in the FTMaintenance Select interface.
- Inventory Management
- Improved Inventory Item Location identification on Inventory Item records and from Work Order Tracked Parts selection screens.
- Work Order Management
- Added the ability to assign a meaning to a Work Order Approval signature.
- Added the ability to track Work Order activity on open, closed, and deleted Work Orders on a change log.
- Added the ability to automatically calculate downtime based on Work Order activity.
- Added ability to view deleted Work Orders.
- Added the ability to designate Approvers for Work Order activations from Recurring Work Orders.
- Added the ability for administrators to disable reactivation of closed Work Orders.
- Improved design of Work Order History and Work Order Configuration pages.
- Notifications
- Expanded Notification Tags list.
- General
- Improved speed and performance of Work Order and Asset areas.
- Asset Management
- Improved display of Asset Location information.
- Improved editing of Manufacturer records.
- Improved Downtime Type declarations.
- Improved retention of Meter Readings.
- Corrected an issue that prevented Work Orders from displaying on the Equipment Under Maintenance page.
- The Barcode functionality has been deprecated.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Asset functionality.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Location functionality.
- Configuration
- The ability to use multiple Inventories has been deprecated.
- Improved retention of Wok Order Labor Resource settings.
- Improved selection and deselection of permissions with dependencies.
- Expanded support for accented characters.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Configuration functionality.
- Inventory Management
- Improved accuracy of Unit Cost when created via a Part record.
- Corrected an issue related to creating Inventory Items when its associated Part Asset contains a custom field.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Inventory functionality.
- Labor Management
- Corrected an issue that allowed negative Hourly Rates.
- Notifications
- Improved delivery of notifications to role-based email addresses.
- Improved performance of Tags in Service Request Notifications.
- Improved Service Request Notification Template Tags.
- Improved Service Request Notification Tag functionality for Service Requests submitted by guests.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Notification functionality.
- Reporting
- Improved Open Work Order Listing Report.
- Scheduling
- Improved display of Recurring Work Order numbers.
- Service Request Management
- Improved management of rejected Service Requests.
- Corrected an issue that prevented certain Users from logging in to the request portal.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Service Request functionality.
- Work Order Management
- Improved the display of Labor Resources in the Labor tab.
- Improved column configuration on Work Order History page.
- Corrected an issue that caused an active Work Order’s Issue Date field to be blank.
- Improved closed Work Order print functionality.
- Improved Recurring Work Order scheduling.
- Improved retention of Labor Costs on closed Work Orders.
- Improved field validation for Work Order Description field.
- Improved Labor Log time recording.
- Improved calculation of next activation date following manual activations for non-floating calendar schedules.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Work Order functionality.
- Minor defect fixes and improvements to Recurring Work Order functionality.
- General
- Improved session timeout.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Notifications
- Improved Service Request Notification Templates.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- General
- Improved grid search performance.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- General
- Improved grid search performance.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- General
- The search bar on major grids now automatically clears after navigating away from the page.
- Notifications
- Added support for Service Request Notifications based on when Location data is added or removed.
- Service Request Management
- Improved performance of the Assets grid on the Service Request form.
- Work Order Management
- Improved the automatic restocking of Parts when removed from Work Orders.
- Improved Task deletion.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Work Order Management
- Improved selection of Tracked Parts on a Work Order to default to Locations that contain stock.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Asset Management
- Improved Asset grid performance.
- Configuration
- Improved filtering Assets selected in the Asset Visibility Restriction configuration settings.
- Work Order Management
- Improve restocking Tracked Parts from a Work Order.
- Notifications
- Corrected an issue related to Insert Tags in certain Service Request Notification Event Templates.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Asset Management
- Increased flexibility of Part names to include certain special characters.
- User Management
- Improved filtering of Assets by a User’s set Location.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Inventory Management
- Improved display of Inventory Items with stock in multiple Locations within the Inventory Items Catalog.
- User Management
- Improved filtering of Assets by a User’s set Location.
FasTrak SoftWorks, Inc. is pleased to announce the release of FTMaintenance Select v., which incorporates the following:
- Service Request Management
- Improved navigation to the Service Request form from FTMaintenance Select.
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