Month: June 2016

FTSolution for APT v1.1.4 Release Notes


  • Added the ability to import Debug Charts from an APT program into FTSolution for APT as Watch files.


  • Corrected an issue with making a new 505 I/O symbol by entering a new name under a 2AO module.
  • Improved full compileĀ error descriptions.
  • Corrected the error that occurred when opening Find References in Cross Reference.
  • Forces table now populates with expected data for analog output/discrete output symbols.
  • Improved debugger functionality.
  • Added ENABL to the drop-down list for Scale in CFC block.
  • Corrected Declaration Editor error messages.
  • Corrected an issue with flagging an Import comment as invalid.
  • Eliminated the error message that occurred when adding or removing a new Recipe Template during incremental compile.
  • Corrected an issue caused by renaming Units.
  • Improved functionality of the incremental download.
  • FTSolution for APT now unmarks non-translatable PCS extensions.
  • Corrected an issue with renaming a project with a Recipe Editor open.

PLC WorkShop for Modicon v5.78 Release Notes


  • Improved printing of Configuration Extensions for selected PLC types.
  • Double-clicking an address description in the Cross Reference window no longer causes an application error.
  • Improved functionality of editing documentation from the Cross Reference window.