Month: July 2007

505 Simulator v2.03 Release Notes


  • Attempting to enable a Special Function containing SCALE or UNSCALE instructions that use indexed expressions as input parameters no longer results in an error.
  • Non-fatal errors encountered in Special Functions that contain a Store operation are now correctly reported.
  • Status Word STW1 is now correctly updated during RLL task execution.
  • Discrete encodings that were converted from APT programs are now correctly recognized as data start addresses by the PACK instruction.
  • Loop and alarm addresses that are not flagged as real numbers may now be read as integers and converted to real number addresses.
  • Attempting to run a TASK instruction within an RLL subroutine will now correctly generate a syntax error.
  • The PACK instruction now correctly allows discrete addresses to be used as the table address in a Pack From configuration.
  • Cyclic Special Function programs containing RETURN instructions now execute properly after their first iteration.
  • The PACK instruction no longer allows Status Word addresses to be used as the table address in a Pack From configuration.
  • The PACK instruction now correctly allows T memory to be used as the table address in a Pack To configuration.
  • The PACK instruction has been rewritten to more correctly simulate PLC behavior when using a discrete table address.
  • RLL error addresses are now properly reported from the ladder syntax check.
  • Power flow for branched multiple-input box instructions is now reported correctly.
  • The Special Function CALL instruction now correctly passes discrete parameters.
  • Parameter address types are now correctly allowed as Register Start addresses in Shift Register Status instructions when used with a table of constant length.
  • Parameters specified as integer values in Pack Loop and Pack Alarm instructions are no longer being packed as real numbers.

PLC WorkShop Suite for Siemens 505 v4.12 Release Notes


  • Attempting to save a program online while Ladder Status is active now temporarily turns status off while saving.
  • Losing connection to the FTVersionTrak repository no longer causes PLC WorkShop to close unexpectedly.
  • Canceling a checkout required by FTVersionTrak after attempting to save the program no longer results in PLC WorkShop displaying a Save As dialog.
  • Attempting to use FTVersionTrak to compare WorkShop files with unsaved configuration changes now correctly displays the changes to the file after saving.
  • Attempting to execute FTVersionTrak version control operations using deleted or destroyed PLC WorkShop files no longer causes PLC WorkShop to close unexpectedly.
  • Clicking on multiple icons within the FTVersionTrak toolbar no longer causes PLC WorkShop to close unexpectedly.
  • Attempting to connect online to the PLC with Ladder Status off no longer causes intermittent undefined server errors.
  • Attempting to perform a Unique Address lookup when only one address exists in the program no longer causes a lockup of the software.
  • The CALL, PACK, LEADLAG, PACKLOOP, PACKALARM, and PACKRS instructions now correctly accept single read-only addresses.
  • The PRINT instruction now correctly decodes variable text entries with a size of zero and correctly encodes MATH expressions for the print message.
  • Timer/Counter and Drum configuration values are now set correctly for CTI-C100 PLCs.
  • Attempting to find addresses or instructions while online after completing a find of Network or Special Function line numbers while offline no longer results in an error.
  • The user is now correctly prompted to save when attempting to close a program after making changes using the Data Window or the Diagnostics menu.
  • Changing Timer/Counter memory configuration now resizes the database for proper load online.
  • Performing a File Program Compare now correctly displays results in online network mode.