- We now support Siemens S5 PLC via serial and H1 communictions.
New Features in 505Server, v2.32
- Hardware security keys for distributors may be updated over the phone or via e-mail.
Solutions in 505Server, v2.32
- Corrected problem causing the port to remain open after a failed modem communication attempt.
- Corrected problem with autobauding and voltage spikes using an IBM laptop.
New Features in ModServer, v2.15
- Hardware security keys for distributors may be updated over the phone or via e-mail.
Solutions in SLC Server, v1.14
- Correct a timing problem with the Server not closing down properly.
New Features in SLC Server, v1.14
- A tray icon appears whenever the server is running. Double-clicking on the server icon displays further server information.
- Hardware security keys for distributors may be updated over the phone or via e-mail.
New Features in PLC5Server, v1.14
- A tray icon appears whenever the server is running. Double-clicking on the server icon displays further server information.
- Hardware security keys for distributors may be updated over the phone or via e-mail.
Solutions in PLC5Server, v1.14
- Correct a timing problem with the Server not closing down properly.
New Features in DemoServer, v1.11
- A tray icon appears whenever the server is running. Double-clicking on the server icon displays further server information.
New Features in FTAlarm, v3.03
- Added mili-sec. precision when viewing alarm history.
- Hardware security keys for distributors may be updated over the phone or via e-mail.
Solutions in FTAlarm, v3.03
- Corrected problem in export where if you browse and type in a file name with no extension and select ok, the path can get corrupted.
- Clicking the .ALM file in Windows Explorer automatically launches FTAlarm regardless of file name length.
- Corrected online problem concerning alarm button that have not been assigned in the graphics view.
- Corrected button drop text and image displaying vertically-centered instead of horizontally-centered after re-opening a file.
New Features in FTLogger, v2.10
- Column width in print preview is retained across runs.
- When spanning files, an option has been added to append the date and time to the filename.
- Added linear, square root and discrete scaling of log values.
- File extension type not needed when exporting FTDatawin document.
- Hardware security keys for distributors may be updated over the phone or via e-mail
Solutions in FTLogger, v2.10
- Selecting a the .LGR file with a long path name in Windows Explorer correctly launches FTLogger.
- Corrected problem with the Span File By Time check mark disappearing.
- Corrected problem in export where if you browse and type in a file name with no extension and select ok, the path can get corrupted.
New Features in FTTrend, v1.40
- FTTrend can now graph logged data points from spanned log files as one continuous trend.
- Trend can be saved to a trend history file allowing for a snapshot of the graph for management purposes.
- When adding a logged data point between separate runs of the application, FTTrend remembers the last log file and path.
- Hardware security keys for distributors can be updated over the phone or via e-mail.
Solutions in FTTrend, v1.40
- Corrected problem logging a point from a log file. The description was missing and the pen was not displaying points.
- Corrected navigation problem when selecting a start time and, or start date that occurred sometime in the past.
- Clicking the FTTrend file in Windows Explorer automatically launches FTTrend regardless of file path length.
- Corrected MDI window status when opening a second graph.
- Can now trend logged data points from the FTTrend database files.
- Corrected a problem when selecting a logged data point from a databases with several tables and then opening and editing a data point in another table.
New Features in FTBatch, v1.13
- Hardware security keys for distributors may be updated over the phone or via e-mail.
New Features in FTDataWin, v1.33
- H1 communications now supported for the S5 PLC.
Solutions in FTDataWin, v1.33
- Corrected problem in export where if you browse and type in a file name with no extension and select ok, the path can get corrupted.
- Clicking the .DWN file in Windows Explorer automatically launches FTDataWin regardless of file path length.