
  • The following new instructions have been added.  These instructions are supported exclusively by CTI 2500 Series processors and require firmware V6.18.
    • MegaEDRUM (MEDRM), an enhanced version of the EDRUM (EDRM) instruction that supports up to 128 output coils and 128 steps.
    • On Delay Coil (ONDC).
    • Off Delay Coil (OFFDC).
    • A modification to Compare Instructions (EQU, NEQ, LESS, LEQ, GTR, and GEQ) was added.  These Compare instructions are now able to use floating point values.
  • A Network Header Editor has been added to make managing network header documentation easier.


  • Improved validation in drum instructions (DRUM, MDRD, MDRW).
  • Improved search functionality within the EDRUM (EDRUM) instruction.
  • Improved operation of TCC addresses within special functions.
  • Improved validation when deleting lines in special functions.