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What is COM Profibus, and how do I install it?

What is COM Profibus?

COM Profibus is a graphical interface created by Siemens that runs under MS Windows allowing the user to configure masters and slaves.

What does this have to do with PLC WorkShop for Siemens 505?

COM Profibus *.2BF files are created in COM Profibus and merged into 505 WorkShop.

Where do I get COM Profibus?

COM Profibus can be installed from the 505 WorkShop installation CD.

How do I install COM Profibus?

  1. Using Windows Explorer, access the CD and browse to compbv51\Disk1\Setup.exe.
  2. Run the Setup.exe file follwing the prompts on the screen and retaining all default settings.

Complete the following steps to unzip and install Hot Fix 2:

  1. Browse to comprofibus_update\COMPROFI_V5122.exe.
  2. Open COMPROFI_V5122.exe.
  3. Click the Durchsuchen button to browse for folder C:\Temporary.
  4. click Unzip to unzip the files.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Browse to C:\Temporary\Setup.exe.
  7. Run the Setup.exe file following the prompts on the screen and retaining all default settings.
  8. Delete the contents of C:\Temporary.

Complete the following steps to unzip and install Hot Fix 3:

  1. Browse to comprofibus_update\COMPROFI_V5123.exe.
  2. Open COMPROFI_V5123.exe.
  3. Click the Durchsuchen button to browse for folder C:\Temporary.
  4. Click Extrahieren to unzip the files.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Browse to C:\Temporary\Setup.exe.
  7. run the Setup.exe file following the prompts on the screen and retaining all default settings.
  8. Delete the contents of C:\Temporary.
  9. Copy and paste the SI0022AX.2MH file from the comprofibus_update directory into your COM Profibus subdirectory, which will be C:\Siemens\CPBV51\masters if all default settings were selected during the install.

Is this the full version of COM Profibus?

Yes, the following COM Profibus files are installed:

  • COM Profibus V5.1
  • COM Profibus Manual
  • ET200 Distributed I/O System Manual
  • Memory Card Parameter Assigment Tool
  • Setting the PG-PC Interface Tool
  • Latest Information about COM Profibus

What operating systems are supported by COM Profibus?

Although COM Profibus does not specifically support Windows 2000 or XP, FasTrak SoftWorks has not experienced problems nor heard of any operating system incompatibility issues.

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