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How do I migrate from COM Profibus to the new Profibus Configurator?

With the Profibus Configurator, you no longer have create and manage your Profibus configurations using the COM Profibus configuration utility. However, if you are used to using COM Profibus, there are a few things to keep in mind while migrating from COM Profibus to the WorkShop Profibus Configurator. The following guide will help you understand the differences between the two utilities, and ease your transition to the new process. Please note that an alternative to this process is to reconfigure your Profibus network directly within the WorkShop Profibus Configurator See the PLC WorkShop for Siemens 505 for details.

What You’ll Need

  • A licensed copy of PLC WorkShop for Siemens 505 Version 4.30 or higher
  • The PLC WorkShop program file (.FSS) that will contain the Profibus configuration
  • The latest device description files (GSD) for each Profibus slave device on your network (refer to the device manufacturer for the latest GSD file(s) for your devices)
  • The latest version (v5.1) of the COM Profibus configuration utility (see the Knowledge Base article What is COM Profibus and how do I install it? for more information)
  • The COM Profibus configuration file (.PB5) that contains the configuration to be merged into WorkShop
  • If available, the COM Profibus binary file (.2BF) generated from the latest COM Profibus configuration (this file can be created within COM Profibus at any time, see below for details)

Before You Begin

Before you begin, please note that saving your PLC WorkShop program file (.FSS) in WorkShop Version 4.30 or higher will permanently alter the file in a manner that will make it no longer accessible in WorkShop versions prior to 4.30. It is suggested that you create a backup copy of your program file in case you need to access it with an older version of the software.

    1. Within the COM Profibus utility, open the configuration file (.PB5) that will be merged into WorkShop.
    2. Select the Documentation \ Station List menu item. This will provide you with a list of all the devices on your Profibus network, along with the GSD files associated with each device. Printing this list may be helpful during and after the configuration merge.
    3. In the graphical bus display, highlight the master device (the PLC) and select the File \ Export \ Binary File menu item to create and save the binary file (.2BF) which will be merged into WorkShop.
    4. Within PLC WorkShop, open the program file (.FSS) that will contain the merged Profibus configuration. Please note that although you may have already merged your Profibus configuration in earlier versions of WorkShop, you will need to perform the merge again for full editing capabilities. Read more about Limited Editing Mode below.
    5. Select the PLC Utilities \ PLC Configuration menu item and click the Profibus I/O button to access the Profibus Configurator.
    6. Add your GSD files to the configurator by clicking the Add Slave button. This will take you to the Profibus Hardware Directory. Clicking the Add Hardware button will display an Open dialog within which you will be able to select the GSD files to add to the Hardware Directory. By default, COM Profibus stores its GSD files in the C:\SIEMENS\CPBV51\gsd directory.
    7. Using the Station List generated in step 2, identify the GSD files you will need to import into the Hardware Directory. Please note that by default the Hardware Directory only identifies the standard .GSD file extensions when browsing for files to import. If your GSD file has a different extension (.GSE, for example), select the appropriate extension from the Files of type drop-down menu at the bottom of the Open dialog. Once you have added all your GSD files, click the Close button in the Hardware Directory to return to the Profibus Configurator.
    8. With the Master module (the PLC) selected, click the Merge button and navigate to the location of the binary file (.2BF) created in step 3 above. By default, COM Profibus saves the file in the C:\SIEMENS\CPBV51\data directory. Select the binary file and click the Open button to begin the merge process.
    9. If, during the merge process, the configurator finds a module that does not quite match the information in the GSD, a dialog will appear that allows you to select the module that best represents your hardware. Select the appropriate module from the list to continue. WorkShop then displays the results of the merge.
    10. Configure the I/O addresses of your slave modules by following the directions listed in the topic titled “Configuring and Addressing Profibus I/O Modules” in the PLC WorkShop User Guide or the WorkShop online help.
    11. Complete the configuration by clicking OK in the Profibus Configurator display and saving the program file. The Profibus configuration is also saved with the program file.

Following these steps will ensure that your Profibus configuration can be completely edited and updated on demand when necessary. If you cannot complete a certain step in this process (for example, you no longer have access to the exact GSD file(s) that were used to create your configuration in COM Profibus, and therefore cannot add them to the Hardware Directory) you may still be able to merge your configuration successfully, but with limited editing capabilities. This is known as Limited Editing Mode. In Limited Editing Mode, your configuration will still be valid and can be downloaded to the PLC. However, you will not be able to edit certain aspects of the configuration, such as adding or removing slave devices and I/O modules, or editing bus or module parameters. You are able to modify I/O addresses and enable or disable slaves while in Limited Editing Mode. See the PLC WorkShop User Guide or online help for more information.

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